February 2020

Do you know about the Florida 25% Rule regarding roofing? Your insurance company sure does not want you to know about it. The 25% rule can have a major impact on how much you can claim from your insurance company after an event, such as a hurricane or even a hail storm.
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Who is going to protect you if or when your roof leaks?
When most people replace a roof one of the most important questions they should ask is, how long is the warranty? and another question they should ask, is this warranty transferable?
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Sometimes it can be difficult to assess the health of your roof by simply looking at it from the ground. A damage or a deterioration that may look minor from the outside, as you shuttle your kids back and forth from the driveway and into the house, glancing at the rooftop – may actually be quite major on a closer look.
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In our previous blog, Warning Signs That You May Need a New Roof, we discussed the signs that indicate a potential roof failure. And, we can all agree that a re-roofing project to repair a potenial roof failure involves major expenses.
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